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Annual Benefactors Program

Be a Benefactor!

Support the preservation and accessibility of Lakeside's unique history

The Lakeside Heritage Society (LHS), founded in 1968, exists for the purpose of preserving the history of Lakeside, the Marblehead Peninsula in northwest Ohio, and the American Chautauqua Movement. LHS is an independent 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization with a full- time Archivist, summer Museum curator, and part-time librarian. Volunteers provide research assistance, conduct tours, and present educational seminars. The LHS staffing and programs are supported through annual membership fees and donations.


LHS Benefactors provide much-needed funds annually, beyond membership dues, to support the mission and programs of the organization. The Society’s full-time professional archivist organizes and preserves the collections and increases the online access to the collections. It is important to maintain this level of professionalism for the benefit of our members and the public.

The Benefactor Program has five levels of giving:

Level of Giving
$500 -- $999
$1000 -- $4,999
$5,000 -- $9,999
$10,000 -- $49,999
$50,000 and above

Ways To Give

Checks, Credit or Debit Card  * Qualified Charitable Deductions from Individual Retirement Accounts Stocks & appreciated securities


All donations will be recognized as Benefactors for the calendar year of the donation. Benefactors will be recognized in signage at the Archives and in the LHS newsletter, Heritage Happenings.


Donors at the $2,000 level or more will be invited to dinner with our archivist and the current president of the Lakeside Heritage Society at the Hotel Lakeside.


Your Lakeside Story is important, regardless if you've been here one day or a lifetime, your story matters!


The Lakeside Heritage Society serves the community as the keeper of your story and the stories of Lakeside's collective memory.

LHS has committed to providing resources and professionalism to hold the community's stories for future generations to know and to cherish.


Our community goal is to preserve and grow Lakeside for the future. We grow from the seeds that we plant. Plant your Lakeside story in the hands of The Lakeside Heritage Society. We invite you to give $1,000 or more as a Benefactor. Your gift will go towards the annual expense of making our shared stories of Lakeside available to all.


Exploring the history of Lakeside and the Chautauqua Movement has enriched my life for the past 30 years as a resident Lakesider. I have discovered endless stories in the LHS collections of paper documents, photographs and objects and my exploration of these stories has enabled me to share this history with others. ...I feel privileged to support the Lakeside Heritage Society which continues to collect and care for important historical materials.


--Gretchen S. Curtis, Lakeside Heritage Society Benefactor​

For more information about the Annual Benefactor Program, contact us using our online contact form, or call 419-798-5519

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